fresch Architects
Formed by partners Emma Freeman, AIA, D.Arch, LEED AP and Sheldon Schroeder, AIA on the premise of providing Client focused service through thoughtful design. Based in Corpus Christi, Texas, fresch architects provide services in the areas of commercial, educational, health care, commercial interior, institutional, retail, civic, and residential architecture. We begin each project by taking the time to understand the Client’s vision, needs and budget. We believe each Client’s project to be unique and approach each project without preconceived ideas. Fresch architects designates a partner responsible for each project from inception to construction completion, believing this decision key to providing the high level of Client service the firm strives to achieve for each project.
Design is not something applied or extraneous to a project. fresch’s design process is rooted directly in the Client’s project needs. Some of our most creative and efficient design solutions are driven by Client needs and budget challenges. Design solutions are supported with detailed building systems / materials knowledge, and intelligent use of design tools such as building information modeling (BIM) software to quickly and efficiently develop design concepts responsive to the Client’s program.
To be successful the architectural process requires that the owner, end-users, architect, engineers, and contractor work together to fulfill a common purpose of an efficient and functional program delivered with artistry and craft. Sheldon and Emma bring over 30 years of diverse experience in managing this process on projects in Texas, Kansas, Hawaii, Nicaragua, and Antarctica. We believe our diverse project experience is a unique asset preparing us for our next project. Fresch architects is always looking for a new challenge and is ready to discuss your project!
Sheldon Schroeder, AIA
Architect & Principal
Sheldon Schroeder is a principal and owner of Freeman Schroeder Architects, fresch architects, in Corpus Christi, Texas. Sheldon’s career continues to build on nearly 20 years of practice along the Texas coast, brush country, hill country and wide open spaces of West Texas. A graduate of Oklahoma State University School of Architecture, Sheldon pursued a desire to live on the coast and found a home in Corpus Christi. Immersion in the regional culture and climate both in practice and through his hobbies of sailing, fishing, and hiking informs Sheldon’s design sensibility in many areas. The subtle beauty displayed in South Texas’ vast landscape initially conceals the harsh challenges presented by its climate. Sheldon’s design philosophy respects and embraces the challenge of designing and building in our region. In addition he believes good design addresses a project’s challenges honestly, efficiently, and creatively. This design philosophy is equally applicable to the largest and the most modest of projects. The good fortune of having been involved in a diverse array of projects throughout his career has provided Sheldon with a depth of experience that is greatly beneficial in understanding a Client’s needs. In projects ranging from managing expansion of the National Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg, Texas for Richter Architects, to the more recent creation of a humble yet reverent worship facility for Community of Faith Church Sheldon continues to find that listening to the needs of his Client and the influences of the project site provide the necessary guidance to quality design.
Emma Nicole Freeman, AIA, D.Arch, LEED AP
Architect & Principal
Emma worked as a cabinet maker and luthier en route to becoming a licensed architect. In keeping with this background, she values and emphasizes the element of craft in architecture. Shortly after graduating from Texas A&M College Station, Emma worked in Corpus Christi for a year before following an opportunity to study at the University of Hawaii and earning a Doctorate degree in Architecture in 2005. While attending the University of Hawaii, Emma began a nine year tenure at Ferraro Choi And Associates Ltd. – the architect for the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station among other notable works in Hawai‘i and Antarctica. In 2012 Emma and family moved back to South Texas where she opened a sole proprietorship which operated as Freeman Architecture Collaborative for two years until partnering with Sheldon Shroeder, AIA in late 2014. This partnership set fresch Architects in motion. Emma’s career has span project types from commercial, commercial interior, institutional, research, hospitality, educational, retail, civic, health care, residential including projects in Texas, Hawaii, Antarctica, and Central America. She has worked on several unique sustainable architecture projects including multiple LEED Platinum Certified projects, and has served on the Corpus Christi Landmark Commission. Emma’s project technical background includes work on operating suites, cold deep seawater HVAC, passive cooling systems, and building systems for ultra-remote site construction and assembly. Emma is also an adjunct professor of Architecture History at Del Mar College, serves on the TxA EDI Committee, and is involved in the AIA Corpus Christi Chapter. Emma is a contrubuting author for Out in Archiitecture, published in 2023, and is also an active advocate and supporter for the LBGTQIA community on the local state and national level. On the occasion when she is not working or spending time with family, Emma also enjoys surfing, fishing, and being involved with music including the local music scene here in Corpus Christi.
Zach Murphy
Production Manager
Born and raised in Corpus Christi, Texas, Zach has a strong connection to the Coastal Bend and wants to design the built environment of South Texas. Having been a native to Corpus his entire life , he aims to help be a part of the people furthering the growth and development of this Corpus Christi. With his architectural drafting background and highly adept technical skills, Zach loves to get into the details of a project. Besides his design skills, Zach has always had a deep love for cooking, which has taught him to be very adaptive and creative when faced with challenges. Zach began working for fresch Architects in 2018 and have had a hand in some way with nearly every project since his start.
Zahra Fattahi, AIA Assoc., M.ARCH
Design Professional
Zahra joined fresch Architects in 2020 shortly after completing her master’s degree at Louisiana State University. While in school, she became more familiar with the concepts of sustainable and creative designs that lead to promoting civic spaces and their engagement with their communities.
Throughout her master’s program, she joined LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio (CSS) as a research assistant for almost 2 years. At CSS, she collaborated in research, visualization, design, field investigation, and participated in community meetings in a multidisciplinary design studio that focused around the areas affected by the August 2016 flood events in Louisiana to design resilient communities.
Since joining fresch, she has been involved in various projects like office renovations, community center, multifamily housing projects, restaurant / event hub, and Texas A & M University- Corpus Christi projects. In addition to her architecture projects responsibilities, she worked as a visualizer and graphic designer to create presentation graphics and boards for the AIA Corpus Christi 2022 Design Award submissions.
Christina Hunter Villeda, AIA Assoc., MBA
Architectural Associate
Born and raised in Corpus Christi, Christina Hunter Villeda moved back to the Coastal Bend in 2015 after graduating from the University of Texas in Austin. Christina has developed knowledge through a veriety of design fields including architecture, interior design, and homebuilding construction. Christina is an architectural associate at frech architects. With a strong influence from her interior designer mother, Christina’s design philosophy stems from interior architecture. Villeda is heavily involved within the young Corpus Christi community through a variety of organizations, including Corpus Christi Under 40 and the Young Professionals of the Coastal Bend. When considering moving back to Corpus Christi, it was her mission to help mold the new age of Corpus Christi and be part of a positive movement. She also serves on the board for the Texas State Aquarium.